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Listening Well

“In my hand I have two USA coins worth thirty cents. One of them is not a nickel. What are the two coins?” When I was a school teacher, I loved to give my students riddles like this.

The answer can always be found by listening well. . . and of course the answer is . . . a quarter and a nickel. You see, one is not a nickel . . . but, the other one is.

The answer becomes obvious if we just take the time to listen well.

The Lord urges us in Psalm 81:13 to listen to Him and then follow what He says:

“Oh, that my people would listen to me!

Oh, that Israel would follow me, walking in my paths!”

Here are several ideas about listening well:

Listening To People:

  • stop talking

  • put your phone down

  • take an active interest in really hearing them

  • look at them

  • listen between the lines – what are they really trying to say?

  • listen and quit thinking of the next thing that you want to say

  • verbalize back to them what you heard them say

  • set some time aside to talk – minimizing interruptions

  • enjoy the process!

Listening To God:

  • stop talking

  • put your phone down

  • take an active interest in really hearing from God

  • set regular time aside to spend with Him – minimizing interruptions

  • learn to discern whether the voice you’re hearing is you, the enemy, or the Lord

  • remember, God can speak to you through:

    • His Word

    • your spouse

    • other people

    • your kids

    • a song

    • a dream

    • a situation

    • and a host of other ways (remembering that the Bible is our final authority)

  • quit telling God what you want to hear – and just listen

  • be aware of His presence

  • enjoy the process!

Do you need an answer?

Do you need direction?

Do you need hope?

Do you need encouragement?

Hearing from God is what sustains us and gives us what it takes to continue on . . . as Jesus said in Matthew 4:4:

“It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone,

but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

When you do hear something from the Lord, whether it is a clear word, a prompting, or a strong feeling . . . receive it as from Him. Always give thanks for His watchful care over you. If you hear Him ask you to do something, make sure you obey what He is telling you to do.

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

James 1:22

Love you guys . . .

Steve :)

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