Yep, you heard that correctly. I have a bulge on my lower left abdomen . . . I am officially lopsided.
I noticed this several months ago and went to the doctor about it. To make a long story short: after many tests, ultrasounds, CT Scan, MRI, etc. They still don’t know what the bulge is, but . . .
. . . they did find a small tumor in my pancreas
I will be having surgery in December (2021) to remove 30-40% of my pancreas and all of my spleen. The tumor is not considered cancer yet – but they are convinced it will be. I’m not looking forward to surgery but, here is what the doctor said to me:
“You are a lucky man. Most guys like you I see 5 to 7 years after this stage and by then it’s too late.”
After I went back to my primary care doctor she said: “Thank God for the bump.”
So, I guess I would rather have surgery than the alternative . . .
Here is the verse that’s been going through my mind lately:
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Rom 8:28
This is the passage my dad preached on the Sunday before he cut three fingers off on a radial arm saw:
As my grandma drove him to the hospital, my dad watched the growing pool of blood on the floor. He kept repeating:
“all things work together for the
good of those who love God . . .”
This is the verse my sister heard after their car was totaled on the freeway.
She had prayed that morning that God would protect her family. My brother in law had stopped to help an older lady who ran out of gas and my sister just happened to see them. She got off the next exit and came back around and parked behind them while my brother-in-law was filling the gas. Another car (with a drunk driver inside) came from behind and rear ended them. If she hadn’t been there, the drunk driver would have killed my brother-in-law. My sister heard from the Lord:
“all things work together for the
good of those who love God . . .”
This is the verse for countless Believers who have undergone terrible heartache:
“all things work together for the
good of those who love God . . .”
This is the verse that many other Believers have quoted at injustice, pain, broken dreams, and the loss of a loved one:
“all things work together for the
good of those who love God . . .”
How about you? Has God brought you through a difficult season that you couldn’t really wrap your head around or know the reason for?
“all things work together for the good
of those who love God”
Love you guys,
Steve :)